Supporting my Employee Main Page
Supporting my employee
Employers of employees exhibiting signs of dementia, diagnosed with dementia, or acting as a care partner for someone living with dementia often express a desire for guidance on how to talk with and support their employee. They want to ask helpful questions, share helpful information, and provide whatever type of support is within their means and the means of the organization.
Every employee and employer will be different. This being said, we have guidance – whether you are a small family business or a large public sector institution – that can help you meet your legal obligations as an employer and go above-and-beyond to meet the needs of your employees wherever feasible.
Dementia shares warning signs with other types of health concerns, such as depression and stress. Only a doctor can provide a dementia diagnosis.

Service and support for people with dementia and their care partners
The Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories offers an early intervention program, called First Link, that connects people living with dementia and their care partners to the services and support available in their area of the province. Both health professionals and individuals themselves can contact a First Link coordinator at 1-866-950-5465.